Friday, February 10, 2012

Wednesday, February 8- Friday, February 10, 2012

It’s mid-day and I am sitting to write and take a much needed break. I’ll try and re-cap the past few days and send some photos along too.
Wednesday morning I woke up (in the living room )to another day of record low temperatures and snow falling.  It reminded me of our move from Buffalo to Massachusetts in February of 1987……only 25 years ago….  I was seven months pregnant with Lindsay and Tristan was 19 months old.  We moved into our house during a blizzard and the movers ruined the carpets just by walking on them.  We had to have them cleaned the same week.  So, this was just light snow and flurries, mostly early on and then it stopped;  and no toddler to entertain ( just Sophie to lock up) and praise the Lord, I’m not pregnant!!! 
We have the rental furniture, bed and dishes until Monday, so I’ve pushed all that into the dining area. They needed a weeks notice and I had to wait to make sure the truck cleared customs.  So, that helps so much, having all that stuff in here too. 
The unpacking of the truck went well.  When you use movers, they have you circle every box number so that you can make sure you have everything and can sign off on it all.  Well try that with three French guys who speak barely any English. Thankfully, my French was usable, even though limited and I could use my translator.  There was one of them I kept trying to stay far from because he smelled so bad of BO.  My hyper sensitive nose was given a workout.  Plus everytime he would lift or bend….those pants just kept riding lower.  I wanted so badly to say “What’s crackin’  ?”  So, finally after having troubles with all the numbers, I’d just look myself and figure it out.  The one guy and I worked well together, the other two whom I referred to as Curly and Larry, not so much.  But, we managed it and everything arrived.  Normally they would unpack everything and lay it on flat surfaces, but every inch of the floor was full so I asked them to just assemble the bed, couch, and two chairs.  Fortunately the first guy (I guess he’s Moe), had somewhat of a brain and he did the bed.  I helped Curly and Larry with the very simple Ikea instructions on the couch and two chairs.  Okay, Ikea does step 1, 2, 3 etc, plus photos and they provide the tools.  Not brain surgery……Sometimes I would just have to stop them and say in my broken French  “Non, tu est en huit (8), mais les instructions nombre cinq(5)”  (You are trying step 8 and you’re really on 5) or something like that.  I mean Ikea even shows you how many turns to do each screw…..seriously, on a sofa arm when it says 16 turns and you do five……it’s not gonna stay firm!!!
Once they left I started unpacking.  Basically since then I stop to sleep and eat and that’s it.  I have been pleased to see how clearly I was thinking as we laid out things to bring, but then chuckle when I realize how my brain must have been in overdrive.  Apparently every time I thought , hmmm, I should bring and umbrella, I tossed one into the living room where things were stored for the movers. So, we have five umbrellas!!  And I have enough Bath and Body hand soaps for the entire two years!!  I was thrilled to see I did buy a teapot and I found my good mugs, so ahhhhh, at least I can have a good cuppa. 
I also found a Mr. Clean I had packed, so the photo shows Mr. Clean vs. Mr. Propre J
I am enjoying our new Corelle. My stuff at home is so old, they don’t even make it anymore.  Hey, it’s done thirty years and still is great, so I’ve never wanted to spend the money to replace it.  I have so much of it too, so we just keep it and use it.  But, here, I got two sets of new and I love the pattern and shape.  So, I’ll enjoy them for now.  When I return to the US, who knows, it may just be time for a giant ebay Corelle sale.  The kitchen is complete now with my Calum Cracker Barrel apron J

I have decided I am so not mechanically minded, as if I ever thought I was.  Slowly, very slowly, I am assembling things like clothes hanging racks, the dog crate and things like that.  I need more hands and somehow cannot hold, put a screw through and use two allen wrenches at the same time.  I get so frustrated and have little meltdowns, that’s when I told Ross I am saying his name in vain.  I’m missing Calum, who always helps me put things together.  Ross called this morning and I vented and boo hoo-ed me!! My poor hands are so dry because of the cold and then add boxes and paper all day and they’re dry and cracking.  I don’t think I’ve let my nails look this bad ever!!   He said he was showing the pictures I sent yesterday and people were telling him he owed me big time!!  Of course he is calling from Roger Penske as a speaker yesterday and then had this gala dinner last night with entertainment like the group from American Idol where they are in the dark and use lights, so I am not being super understanding about it.  He said every year they do this and next year I can go, it will probably be in Europe, but somewhere nice like the Riviera.  I can’t go to the meetings or dinners, but can amuse myself….I’m in!!!
One funny thing in the unpacking.  We have been laughing because the word for shredded here is “rape”.  I mean it’s not funny, but every time you get a bag of shredded cheese it’s “fromage rape”  , so then I unpack the four sided grater I bought in the US and the label just made me laugh.  I’m posting a photo just because it struck my funny bone.
Thursday I had to take a break for an hour and go to St. Cyr in the rental car to meet a co-worker from SKF.  Never met her before, but she took me to the VW place to get the car.  Her name is Brigette and she has been great, she’s been the contact person for the car.  She was so mad at the place because while the car was there, she had them put the snow tires on.  They were supposed to be on all winter, but especially now with the weather.  Anyway, when she called to see if it was done, they told her they had a nail in one of the tires; and they put it on the car.  She got a little hot, and had them remove two tires and only have two snow ones on the front.  She couldn’t believe they’d just install it and not fix it.  She suggested that when this lease is up and we get to pick the next car from a list, that we pick from another brand.  Not because this is a bad car, but the service at this place is terrible.  So we’ll drive our Passat Wagon until the lease is done and then look at something else.  I think our other choices are Citroen and BMW.  The Citroen rental was really nice. 
I was just pleased I found my way for the first time.  It’s about a half hour drive and once I got out of Luynes (just one wrong turn), I did okay.  It’s odd getting used to using a standard transmission on hills again.  My 1981 Chevy Citation was a looooong time ago.   Then each car has different little things so I had to study the VW a bit first.  Brigetts went with me to fill it up, phew!  I used the Yellow pump with gazoil, which is diesel, the right one for this car….yea! After last week, don’t want to go through that again!!!  Of course what it costs for a gallon in the US is what we pay for a litre here….yikes… it cose me 108 euros to fill the tank.  A euro is about $1.350-1.40, so that’s a lot of money for a tankful.  No wonder so many people have little cars here!!  The man at the station came out and helped too.  He spoke pretty decent English and knew Ross from his trips here over the years.  You don’t realize how much you stand out here.  Especially me, a six foot tall woman, obviously American, with her tiny little dog.  Reminds me that people watch your behavior and actions wherever you go. So in Luynes, this tiny town, I’m sure they’ll all know who I am. 
Today, has been spent unpacking wardrobe boxes.  It’s a slow process because there is no space for anything.  So, as I empty one box, I tear it down and store it so there is floor room to walk. And the packers obviously did not appreciate my clothing system.  I go by color, sleeveless, short sleeve, three quarter sleeve, long sleeve……..repeat with next color.  I mean how much simpler could I have it for them?  So, I’ve been re-sorting and organizing!!   

I thought of this today as I was working.
“My name is Lisa, and I am a clothes-a holic. “
Funny as I bring things into the house one at a time and put them away, it never seems so bad.  But, when I unpack here and try to store it, I am amazed at how much I have.  Plus, I know how much I left behind.  I cannot believe I am actually putting photos up of my things, it’s actually embarrassing!  Admission is the first step and when I am home again, Lindsay is going to help me really go through things and get rid of anything that isn’t flattering or doesn’t fit right.  Or else, I told Ross we’ll need to build our dream home and I need a whole room as my personal closet. 
I have been sleeping well in our new bed.  It’s our first king size bed, we have talked about getting one for a while, but never figured it would be for here.  I laugh because the frame and mattress are so high put together that my feet dangle about 5 inches when I sit on the side.  It fills the room, I am hoping the night stands fit. Plus, I have big old bruises on my legs from where I keep hitting the footboard as I’m in the room.  Add those to the matching knots on my head from bonking it when I do the dishes or use the stove and stand up.  Argh, I told Ross it looks like someone beat me up.  Add my nasty hands to that and I’m a mess.  Again I am reminded how spoiled I am…..I’m wishing for my mani/pedi lady as well as my massage therapist. 
I’m off to now attempt putting dressers and nightstands together.  I need places to put the things I’ve unpacked.  Au revoir for now.  More adventures to comeJ

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