Friday, February 24, 2012

Friday, February 24, 2012

The end of another week but finally we are done the main living area in the house and can go exploring tomorrow instead of working in the house.  We’re looking forward to discovering new areas and fun things.

Yesterday was my grocery day, so Ross came home for lunch so I could drive him back to work and have the car.  It’s a different thought process for me to plan ahead to use the car. I’m so used to just coming and going whenever I want, so now I just need to think ahead.

It was my first venture to another section of town and thankfully the GPS got me there with no trouble.  It is another Auchon grocery store, but a huge one compared to the one I’ve been to.  I was able to just take my time and wander throughout the store looking at everything and taking it in.  It was like a field trip for me!  I enjoy discovering new products and especially the fruits and vegetables.  They have so many ones I am not familiar with so I’ve decided to try a few each shopping trip and see if we like them.  I’ve noticed that there are a lot of root vegetables and they sell them in packages with a few of each ready to put into a crock pot.  So right now in my crock pot is a roast with leeks, fennel, parsnips, onions, carrots and mini turnips.  They also sell herbs tied together ready to drop in.    We are also loving the mushrooms here, they’re so fresh and there are several types we’ve enjoyed. 

I’ve also discovered “lardon” , which is similar to bacon, but not quite.  I was able to use it in a quiche and it tasted good, so that was a plus.  My favorite find was in the candy section.  For anyone who knows me, they know I love candy, so I try a new type each time I go to the store.  I found this week bon-bons which are something I love in Scotland and have only found there.  They’re little sugar powdered balls that are chewy and have different flavors.  I was quite pleased with that find.

Ross made fun of me when he saw that I have now made our fridge and freezer look like the ones back home in Georgia (that means stuffed to the max).  My shelves are full and I feel like we have a stockpile….yea!

My way back from the Auchon to pick up Ross, the GPs took me a totally new way-yikes, especially when I got to a toll booth.  Fortunately I had some cash on me and it took bigger bills and could give change or I would have been stuck in the booth with cars lined up behind me.  The signs all said Tours, so I at least knew I was in the right direction.  It brought me out to a spot I knew, so that was exciting.  We have three bridges (Napoleon, Wilson and Mirabeaux)  that cross over the Loire River here, we live and Ross works on the north side, Tours is on the south. Anyway, Wilson is closed for a year or so while they put a train through.  So I got stuck in crazy traffic right at school dismissal.  I discovered parents here are like maniacs when it comes to picking up their children.  There are no parking lots at the school, so they drive up on curbs, go onto sidewalks, cut in front of cars, go in reverse in the middle of traffic.  It was insane!  I got stuck in the traffic for over 40 minutes which while going uphill in a standard car is a trick in itself.  When I picked up Ross the car had a bit of a smell, so apparently I was riding the clutch trying not to roll into the car behind me.  Gotta get better at that.

Attaching pictures of few things, one a dessert I got at the local bakery, it was fabulous!  Also, a picture of an amaryllis plant Anne-Rachel gave me.  It’s picture proof to my children that I’ve kept a plant alive, they usually refer to my plants as Death Row!  This one is actually blooming, so I’ve done something right!    

The photo of out room shows how our room is a bit tight.  It’s about 10’x10’.  We each have about a 12” walkway on the side and I have a 15” path between the bed and dressers to get to my side.  But, it works and we’re adjusting to a smaller place.  As you enter the front door, if you look left, that is where our table is. I love the French doors off that area, they bring in lots of daylight and have shutters that close up at night.  That area is about 8’x10’.  Attached to that area is the living room which is 10'x10', these are a couple shots of that area.  More pictures to come….

I’m off for now, gotta a good book to read J

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