Thursday, April 19, 2012

Thursday, April 19, 2012

As I write today, Sophie is sitting here soaking wet. She has been running in the yard this morning chasing birds and the grass is wet.  She has become quite a watch dog, which is hysterical since she weighs less than five pounds.  Today she got close enough to get a feather off a bird, which she very proudly brought to me.  I hope she never gets that close to the cats! 

I did find out an interesting fact this week.  I had posted a couple photos of the rape seed fields.  I wish a picture could really capture them.  They are everywhere and so pretty right now, but photos just don’t get the depth or color right.  Anyway, even though here it is rape seed and it makes rape seed oil, we know that better as canola oil!!

This week we are on our fifth car since arriving in France.  This time a Seat Leon.  It’s made by VW but their cheap version.  It’s just another rental as the VW Passat wagon (which is our car) is in getting painted from the scratches the guy before us left.  The neighbors must wonder about us….changing cars all the time.  When the car is getting worked on here it is very different than the US. Ross had to make an appointment to see them where they told him what they would do and then he had to make another appointment for them to actually do the work.  Then nothing moves quickly, so it takes a week or so for the work to be done.  Fortunately since the car belongs to the company, they provide us with a rental. 

Ross did get notice this week that this car (the VW) is due to be returned to the leasing company in September, so we have an allowance and must pick out pour next car.     We don’t actually buy it, just visit dealers, try them and fill out a special form and the company will get it.  BUT, when you are learning a language, it is quite funny to understand features and details.  We are planning a day of language training to go and look, then we can practice the language in a practical way but have backup. We need to do this now as it takes several months to get it.  But, they had to fix all the problems on the current car before returning it.  I still can’t quite believe the guy left it like it was, but I guess nothing surprises me anymore.

 We are also considering a car for me.  I’d like to lease for two years , that seems the most practical for us;  BUT, and I can’t believe I’m saying this, we’re looking for the smallest, cheapest car possible!  I want something really little for parking and driving in town, plus one that gets good gas mileage.  With gas and diesel almost $9 a gallon if we convert euro to dollars and litres to gallons.  We pay all our own fuel so good economy is important.  The Fiat 500 is adorable and I love it, but it only gets about 35-40mpg and it is more than I want to spend, so I’m kind of looking at a Citroen C1.  I have to actually see if I fit, but it gets 60mpg, which is terrific!  Every brand has a little “putt putt” car as I call them.  So, we will see, I hate car shopping in the US in English, so this could be really something!

It is election day here Sunday where they narrow it down to the top two candidates for president. Then the next Sunday they vote again and it’s over.  The new guy takes office immediately.  The funniest part is that you can have a friend vote for you if you’ll be out of town or can’t get to the polls.  So very different than the year long political battles in the US just to get the nomination.  I don’t think I’d like someone else voting for me though!

This morning I had someone ring at the front gate, it was a lady selling baskets.  They weren’t even super nice baskets but she did not want to take no for an answer.  This is when I really like having a gate across the driveway, no one comes in your yard.  I explained the best I could that I didn’t need or want a basket and by the end she was trying so hard she was almost angry and yelling at me.  I even tried nicely explaining that I was American and didn’t understand much French, that usually makes people help or try to be nice……but not her!  I finally said “NO” loudly, and “Goodbye’ and left her.  She walked down the street muttering and yelling as she headed next door.  That was interesting.  My first nut job!!!

We’ve been talking regularly with Lindsay at home as this has been a rough two weeks, especially financially.  First I had arranged with a painter when I was home to get the outside of the house re-done.  It has been since the year Tristan graduated high school, which some days doesn’t seem like long ago, but since he’s been to and finished college and been married three years and working, it’s been 8 years.  They are due to start this week if the rain will ever stop!  Then they noticed a leak in the family room ceiling coming from Lindsay’s bathroom. The plumber came and has had them experiment with a few things to narrow it down. So, long story short, this week he’s coming to cut the wall in her room as they’ve narrowed it down to the shower.  He’ll also replace the tub drain and faucet.  That’s a fun project!!

Then my washer died.  When I was home I told Lindsay it was sounding off and to watch it. Well that lasted two weeks.  The repair guy came for that and it was the pulley, a belt, etc, etc, which then caused damage to the inside and outside drums.  The drums were covered under warranty for 10 years, phew, otherwise the repair would be $1200…and I’d ditch the machine and get some really cheap one for them to use while I’m away.  But, because of the warranty, my part is $300 something which is worth doing since the machine is basically getting all new guts.  He says it should be like new.  Oh how I miss the Maytag we got when we were married that lasted over 25 years with no issue.  I feel like my father when I say “they sure don’t make things like they used to”.  

Then on top of that our golden retriever, Rosie got sick.  Last summer she has some stiffness in her hip but a shot from the vet fixed that.  When I was home it was bad again but I had her at the vet and that day she let him manipulate it and do all kinds of things with no problems. Then since that time she has gotten to the point of going down stairs like a little kid putting both feet on a step or some days going on three legs.  Then she started crying getting up and down. The final thing was that Lindsay offered her a treat; and you have to know Rosie is a major food driven dog; and instead of getting up, she army crawled for her cookie.  So, I called the vet from here and explained my money limit for her and we talked medication, x rays and then finally about putting her down.  Lindsay and Calum took her Monday after school not knowing what to expect.  She cried and moaned all through the exam, so he didn’t even need xrays.  But, he’s hoping it can be controlled with medication.  We’ll see, he gave her a shot and some pills to try.  They said there is a little improvement but not enough yet.  We’ll see how she is after this round of meds, but if nothing helps, we are NOT paying for new hips, we’ll have to put her down. Poor thing, and she’s not your small golden, she’s always weighed between 90-93 lbs, so she carries a lot of weight on her joints.

So, Lindsay and Calum have had a time of it. This growing up and homeowner stuff stinks sometimes. BUT, for them, yes, they need to deal with it all and make appointments with repairmen, etc, but, the beauty is all the money comes from our wallet.  I told them to picture really owning the house or paying for the dog……growing up ain’t for sissies!  Remember when you were a kid and you couldn’t wait to grow up so you could do what you wanted …yea, yea, yea…’s so not like that!!!   So my bank guy Lucien, who speaks fair English, helped me transfer money to my US account  yesterday so we can pay for all these lovely things J  After all this, sure hope I like the new paint colors on the house!!! 

This afternoon we have language class together; well at the same time with two different facilitators; but we’re all going together on a field trip to the Luynes city Hall.  Finally, the paperwork has been done and signed and we can get our ID/residency cards.  Nothing happens fast in France is our new saying!  We’ve only been here since January.  

Earlier in the week I had class and we practiced a scenario for me.  My classes have some life situational things in them to help me.  We have a gardener here that mows , trims bushes and weeds.  We pay it as part of our rent and he charges our landlord.  The landlord hired him from the US (where our landlord lives currently). BUT he is supposed to mow every other week and pull weeds once a month and trim bushes and hedges every three months.  Well, he is one of those who pretends not to understand me.  Even though I do hand motions for cutting over a bush, he still acts dumb.  I was told this is typical and that if he can get away with it, he’ll play ignorant and have loads of excuses why it hasn’t been done.  I got back from the US and the grass hadn’t been cut while I was away and it STILL hasn’t been done.  There are weeds everywhere and the yard is a mess.  Part of the reason Sophie gets so wet is the grass is now up to her shoulders!  So, I practiced sentences and role played scenarios with people at the language training and yesterday had to call him.   He didn’t answer but I was able to leave a very detailed message about what needed to be done and when.  We’re waiting to see when he shows up.  In the US, I’d fire his butt and get someone else, but I’m kind of stuck here. When he arrives I will have a very firm conversation with him about what I expect.  They tell me that’s all it should take…..I hope so.  I look forward to it actually, and I’ll use my height!!!  In the past when I run into someone being difficult, I like to stand tall and get close to them, it’s my own little intimidation technique.  I don’t raise my voice or get upset, but I get tall and speak firmly.   I always handle all these things and have even dealt with US issues from here, but boy, when it’s another culture and language, it adds a challenge.  These funny little things you don’t expect.  I’m glad I have the personality that I do and I’m not afraid of new situations or challenges, otherwise one could really just become a hermit and be miserable in this situation.  I prefer to find the humor and move on.

 Like last Sunday, for example, we got up and got ready and went to church.  Got there, the doors were locked and no one was there.  Apparently they made an announcement about a time change for this week and we didn’t hear it or understand it. Oops!  Just gotta laugh sometimes.  I’m off for class. Until next time J

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