Thursday, April 12, 2012

April 12, 2012

Four quick  catch up thoughts. 

First I found a special box for cheese. You put several types of open cheeses in the box and the lid has a spot where you put a charcoal paper thing. It almost totally eliminates the “odor” I’ve referred to before.  So, now my fridge has air circulating and a cheese box and poof….no smell! YAHOO!!!  And they don’t mix flavors which is good.  Picture attached.

Second, the fields here are beautiful this month.  All yellow just going on for ever.  We found out that it is the rape seed pant used for making rape seed oil.  It’s an early crop and the fields will change as later crops go in, but we’re enjoying the beauty!  Attaching a picture or two.

Third, we have rhubarb growing in our yard! I was so pleased, Ross loves rhubarb and we haven’t been able to grow it since living up north. Today I picked my first batch and made jam as well as 6 individual strawberry rhubarb crumbles.  I have them waiting for Ross, but I confess, the house smelled so good, I had one with my tea tonight.  I don’t know if it’s because I haven’t had it in so long or I really outdid myself, but it was FABULOUS!  I’ll see what Ross says tomorrow.

And lastly, this is my favorite……another toilet paper story.  There is this new one called Just 1.  Supposedly, you only need one sheet!! Now, I’ll admit it is the thickest, nicest, large squared toilet paper I’ve ever used, but really…one piece???  I think that’s a bit optimistic.  Plus, it has the flushable cardboard tube that disintegrates in water and is 100% guaranteed to not harm pipes.  Just a little amusement I found while shopping.   Yes, pictures attached.  J Enjoy

1 comment:

  1. Only 1 sheet, huh? Keep us posted on funny!!!
