Thursday, November 28, 2013

November 28, 2013 Thanksgiving Day


Lately I’ve been getting some comments from family and friends that I don’t blog much anymore.  Well, there are two reasons….the first is that most things are so normal for me now that I don ‘t find as much humor in it all…..the second is that today is the FIRST day in over three months I’ve had just a few minutes to write.

So, normally I try to start where I left off….phew….that was August…..

Had my final (I hope) oral surgery on the tooth access.  My appointment was at 5:30 pm and I left the chair at 8:15.  I could hear my phone going off in my purse knowing it was Ross wondering where on earth I was.  This is where if Lindsay is reading she will start to go green and get nauseous….but the endodontist cut the gums and exposed the bone and then cut away the tissue and bone that was bad.  At one point I started feeling everything…the numbing had worn off-you know you’ve been there a loooong time if that happens. She re-numbed it and went at it again.  Now she is a specialist; our normal dentist is awesome and she trained on the US so her English is good….so much easier for us. But the specialist, while good at her job is new from the Czech Republic and has been learning French…she has a teensy bit of English…so we communicate in broken French and bits of English….but anyway, all stitched up I’m ready to go….you know it’s gone on long when the entire office of people have gone home for the night except the lady waiting to check you out.  I had to walk carefully as the cleaning lady had arrived and was mopping out the entire building….after about an hour and a half in the chair I had hit my limit, so all the rest was me trying not to burst into tears and just trying to make it through.  I kept it together enough to check out-the amazing part was that this 3 hour oral surgery cost in total 85 euros-less than $100!!!  I pay in full and get reimbursed so I always see the real cost…amazing.  I got to the car and called Ross but quickly said “I’ll be home soon, I’m just leaving” and hung up knowing if I talked to him I’d burst in to tears.  She had told me not to blow my nose, cough or sneeze for a week…..well I’m not a gentle sweet crier, if I’d started it would have been ugly and far too much for my incision.  For the graphic part, anyone who has had any oral surgery knows you need gauze and tissues for the way home…none provided of course, but since I had some tissue in my purse I could kind of spit out into them gently until no more bleeding.  I had prescription mouthwash, antibiotics (yes, that aggravated my other issue…for disgusting details read previous posts!)  but I made it home and it really was okay after that.  Much more painful and traumatic at the time then afterwards. 

This had happened on Tuesday evening and I had a re-check Thursday morning early just to make sure stitches were holding and it looked okay.   So, I took the bus downtown to the endodontist and low and behold the same bus I’ve ridden since we arrived here is suddenly not taking its normal route….panic sets in and I (with swollen face) ask. Oh, it’s now after September first and the trolley project which has been under construction since before we arrived has been completed and is running so they’ve changed ALL the bus routes. Plus it’s morning and the bus is swamped full of high school students on their way to school. I was able to get out of my backward facing seat and stand until I recognized where I was and then was able to get off the bus and walk a few blocks to the endodontist office.

My reason for taking the bus rather than driving was that my visitors were arriving that morning at 11. Their final destination: Niger Africa in October  to work as missionaries. So after my visit I got another bus to St Pierre de Corps to the train station. Knowing my car would never hold their bodies let alone luggage I had hired a taxi van to meet us all at 11:30….no problem, right????  WRONG! Their flight was late leaving the US, therefore they missed their train connection and had to wait for several hours before the next one….always fun when you’ve been on an all night flight with a toddler…and she’s pregnant! AHHHH…plus now they’re not arriving until 4 in the afternoon and I’m stuck at the train station with no car, pain pills and a swollen face.  I went to the little café and ordered a tea just to be able to use their comfy chairs…ended up pretty much staying there all day. Ross left work and met me for lunch but other than that I kept a steady order of beverages-no not booze…just tea, soda and water- going to keep my place in a chair with a back at the café.  I had brought my Nook knowing I’d have a little wait in the morning, but had I known it would be longer, I would have made sure it was charged up. ARGH!  So, once it died, I spent the time people watching.

Finally, Charles and Asia along with their 18 month old Micaiah arrived as well as Madison who is 18 and a family friend.  So I meet their train and of course it’s the double decker one with no luggage storage near the door and of course, they’re on the top level.  To top it all off they are on the car that is the farthest from the stairs…at the very end of the train platform……and then aren’t there two handicap people who need train personnel assistance to get off the train which takes forever…….So finally  they begin getting off with two cases each plus a big carry on each plus five or six of those giant Rubbermaid trunks.  Well, they are moving permanently to Africa so this was all the worldly possessions they had. It wasn’t going fast enough and now the conductor is yelling at me …loudly telling me in French they have no business on this train with so much, he could give them a fine and I better get them off right now or it’s leaving. So I am trying to be polite and explain and he is beyond reasoning…finally, they get the last trunk off-all things carried down from the second floor…now we’re on the platform and have to get ALL this stuff trip by trip to the taxi van which I re-scheduled, but she is on a time limit and has another fare. Three trips later, lugging it all, plus a jog stroller , plus a baby car seat…you can just imagine…we got to the taxi van and tried to get it all in.  Finally with some interesting packing and seating we were all in and headed home! Asia (5 plus months pregnant)was exhausted, had been up for 24 hours and had been peed on by a leaky diaper so she was done for the day!!!

After the excitement of their arrival and the realizing they forgot one suitcase on the train (it was never found even with Ross’ secretary Brigette working like crazy to find it) all settled into a nice routine and we had a lot of fun together.  They spent five weeks living with us and I hired a tutor to come to the house and work with them in basic French. So, we were step one in their culture shock of leaving America.  I would take Micaiah out while they had class and since I needed to shop 3x a week (only so much fridge room), many of our outings were to the grocery store.  We often finished and then had a snack at the little bakery café killing time.  We’d talk and play, etc….Is it bad that it got to be each time we’d enter the parking lot he’d clap and yell out “choco” which was his new word when he discovered chocolate?

I tried cooking lots of fun French meals to give them a taste of France. Charles and Asia loved it…..Madison however had grown up in a big family with I’m sure lots of good filling meals, but some of this was all new to him.  He has such a fun personality and he and Ross joked around all the time; and he was willing to try most things although some were hysterical seeing his reaction-goat cheese, blue cheese, duck, brussel sprouts etc……Ross has this thing for certain table manners and how to use a fork and knife properly so Madison called it his etiquette lessons.  He said he was going to get a bracelet with WWRD on it for “What would Ross do”….too funny.

They all did a lot of walking around our little village and once Madison discovered the patisserie he made twice daily visits and declared himself in love with patisserie lady! Yes she was my age and her husband did the baking…but he tried both bakeries in town and found his heaven on earth in one!!  He would moan at the thought of her strawberry tarts but managed to try pretty much everything she ever had in the shop.  He was very quick to volunteer to go get my bread for the evening meal since it involved a trip to town. We’d laugh as he would bring home things but later confess he’d already had something else on his walk home J I’m sure she saw increased profits for five weeks!

We visited a chateau together and had an authentic French meal as well as a visit to the Tomato Festival where we had a fabulous tomato based three course meal…..found out Madison hates tomatoes, but he was a good sport! Micaiah on the other hand adored tomatoes (and any fresh fruit or veg I bought).  I was buying cherry tomatoes in bulk and he’d walk by the dish and stretch his little arm up and grab them like candies.  Later as grapes started coming in he’d sneak them too.  I’d go to use them for something and poof, none left…it was hysterical.

So many fun memories of their visit and of course I cried when they left….I will always be thankful we had a small part to play at the start of their ministry.

Being much smarter and not willing to risk the wrath of the conductor we arranged a taxi van to take them door to door from our house to the airport in Paris…..a much improved idea than the train.

You’d think we’d be all quiet and settled after that visit but no….four days later Tristan, Katie and Liam arrived as Ross left for Malaysia.  Tristan and Katie went off to Paris for three days to celebrate their fifth anniversary and I got to have Nana and Liam days….I could bore you with story after story of how amazing he is and be one of “those” grandparents….just know we had a fabulous time, and he is pretty much superior to all other children his age in every way.

We went to the zoo and went at his pace which included twenty minutes at the glass face to face with a gorilla and another twenty watching ducks.  I put him on his harness which allows him to walk around but be restrained.  He’s so fast and he goes from thing to thing so it was perfect.  You should see the looks from the French people…..only dogs use leashes here….but I didn’t care, he was happy, I was happy and we had a fabulous day.  Also went to a mini chateau place and he and I were the only ones so we walked and played at our own pace.  Stops for meals and snacks were of course included. 

Ross arrived home before Tristan and Katie so we went out to lunch together….as we enter the restaurant…in a pitiful voice Liam pipes up “Papa, I need ice cream”….he asks for things all the time in a normal voice and with please and thank you but when he really wants it, the pitiful voice and “I need” comes out…it’s hysterical!!  Of course he got ice cream. One night he told me “Nana, I need oatmeal”…too, too funny!

When Tristan and Katie returned we had a week more together and Ross took off work to be with us.  We visited LeMans and Villandry as well as downtown Tours.  It was a great visit and we had soooo much fun with Liam, his vocabulary is huge so we could have real conversations.  He loves trains and construction vehicles…my funniest moment is when he was sitting on my lap playing with a dump truck…suddenly he says “up the hill, down the hill, up the hill, down the hill” and grins as he drove the truck up and down my boobs……..hysterical. We picked up rocks and went for walks and played games together on my ipad…….it went quickly but I knew I’d see them again soon.

In fact they left on the 26th and I had a flight to go to the US on the 31st for Liam’s 2nd birthday. It was the back half of my ticket from April so I’ve had it booked for months. When they decided to come in October it just meant I got more time with them J

Well Ross found out he had business in the US, so he could make a quick weekend trip to Georgia before heading to Philly for meetings. So, we flew the same day from Paris to Atlanta but I went USAir (flier miles) through Philly and he went Delta direct.  We met up again in Atlanta that evening and got a rental car and drove home. Crazy I know and the TSA guy really questioned me as I got my luggage and sat to wait an hour for Ross’ flight to arrive…I guess most couples don’t fly the same day on different airlines to the same place.

We spent the weekend in Georgia with a day trip to Birmingham for the birthday party and then on the Monday both flew out of Atlanta to Philly-yes different airlines and I then continued on to Buffalo to visit my mother and sister in law for a whirlwind pop in visit. Then I flew back to Atlanta while Ross flew back to Paris.  I was able to do a few things in the house as well as visit a few friends.  Fit in a gastro visit for my “issue” and he agrees it’s probably from all the antibiotics from my tooth, but he gave me some meds which are semi-working and when I return to the US at Christmas, I have a colonoscopy scheduled for the 27th. Just to make sure and then hopefully deal with it.  My doctor here said that was my next step, but since that IS NOT vocabulary I know in French I decided doing the procedure in the US was preferable. Plus, I’ll be dopey afterwards and Ross will be the one getting the info and I felt it would be better in English for him too J

A week later I returned to Paris….CRAZY… 13 days I was on eight planes and was in four states…..I needed a rest when I returned…but no…..just a few days later our friends Roy and Dodie from Canada arrived.  They were visiting us in France before leaving this morning to head to Barcelona where they’ll do a cruise for their 50th anniversary.  We had a good week, Ross only saw them one day as he left the next for China. We spent a lot of time reminiscing about our Camp Li Lo Li days and mutual friends.  So fun!

They arrived late Saturday but their luggage didn’t (for three days) and of course here shops are closed on Sunday!!! So we headed to the Auchon in St Cyr. Normally I don’t shop there much but knew they had a good section for inexpensive clothing so we headed there. When we first moved here, I went there all the time since it was up the road for SKF and we shared a car. I could shop and then get Ross from work….but after I got a car I prefer the Casino for groceries. 

So, we’re walking down an aisle chatting away when behind me I hear a voice say “Are you American?” I whipped my head around to see a nice young lady who stopped when she heard us speaking English. (side note…….Now if you remember form an earlier blog, I met my friend Kelli in the grocery store a year ago because she heard me talking in English to Calum) Anyway, we explained that they were my Canadian guests but I was American living here. And being American in a foreign country and finding another American, you just spill your life story and suddenly share info.  She had just moved here this summer and plays volleyball here. (second side note…if you remember from a previous blog post, Kelli’s husband is here playing professional volleyball). So I chime in and say I know a guy on the men’s team. We chat and doesn’t she already know Kelli and David and we both had been invited to David and Kelli’s house for a Thanksgiving meal. Next morning I woke up to a Facebook friend request and I’m hoping it is the start of another new friendship.  Okay, this sounds creepy to so many back home and kind of stalker like to become friends after  one random meet in the soap and deodorant aisle…..but that is just the way it goes for me here and I love it!

It’s so funny here that I make friends in the oddest places and our common bond is that we are Americans living here.  David and Kelli are Tristan’s age and I’m assuming Amy (the girl I met)is right around there.  So I’m probably their mother’s age; yet we form a friendship out of similar life experiences and common language.  I LOVE THIS…in fact our other French husband/American wife couple friends are Jean-Pierre and Helene (probably around 65-70) and Nicolas and Esther (probably mid to late 30’s). None are in our age bracket and yet that doesn’t matter one bit, we’ve become friends and enjoy time together. I have another friend Bennie that I met online (no not like that) but through the Loire Connexion sight on Facebook which is a get together social group for English speakers in our area. We’ve only been to one of their events but I met her through a thread. We’ve been to lunch and are trying to get together for lunch before the holidays. So, so weird that the majority of my friends are English speakers…I have French friends but somehow English speakers keep coming in my path.  Even at church my closest friend now is Joy who is fluent in French but from the Philippines and speaks English.  She helps me understand everything!!!!

 It is SUCH a change from even a year ago when my calendar was pretty empty and I spent a lot of days alone. Now I’m back to being excited if I have some down time! Guess I’m really at home here and settled,  which is a nice feeling anywhere.  The newness is gone, I know how to get around, and have a life here…..amazing!!

So, that in a nutshell is my busy summer and fall. A few other crazy moments long the way and if I think of them I’ll let you know.  A few I can think of:

Tristan found out upon returning to Alabama that he was being pulled off his job site in Birmingham to do an emergency four month project in Atlanta at Turner Field (where the Atlanta Braves play). It’s a parking lot they need to dig up and then put in retaining walls and a giant water storage tank.  It’s a city block sized parking lot so it’s a huge project.  So, he is living in our Georgia house with Lindsay while Katie and Liam are in Birmingham. He works 7pm-7am and Lindsay is gone 6am-6pm…they really rarely overlap…he sleeps all day, she sleeps all night…it’s kind of funny. Calum is only home three nights a week so they’ve got a wild household going on.  

The question is whether Tristan will go back to Alabama when finished as his next job is starting in August in Atlanta.  It’s a multi-year project off 75  and we’ll all be so excited to have them close again. So it’s an up in the air time for them, and Liam hates not seeing his daddy L

This week Tristan visited over the weekend and brought Liam back with him to spend a few days with Lindsay as she is off school.  They’ve had a blast and I loved all the funny skype dates. Katie arrived yesterday and as I type Lindsay is knee deep in thanksgiving dinner prep for quite a crowd. I’m sure they’ll all have fun with each other and the guests Lindsay’s invited. Love knowing my kitchen is full and being used for a crowd.

One funny thing here is that I keep seeing odd shaped fruits and vegetables.  Some look quite naughty or at least that’s what I see.  So of course I take a photo….can’t resist!  Posting a couple and if they offend I’m sorry…..but they got me giggling! Plus a ladies dress at the train station…..oh my!!! I’m sick, really sick!!!!

Ordered my turkey from the butcher, it’s a huge production as turkeys  are not available here except at Christmas. Monday night we’re having a belated Thanksgiving with friends since Ross will be home.  Okay, it will be fresh…and I mean fresh as in probably killed that day.  He knows I want no feet or head!!!  But he got me one and it’s 5 kilos which is roughly 12lbs. No biggie except it will be over 100 euros!!!  They don’t celebrate Thanksgiving here, but I miss that so we Americans are sticking together!!!  So I’ll get two!!!  Lucky me, I have one tonight with one group and one Monday at my house with another….YAHOO!

Last thing…it’s an odd one and then I’m off. This has ended up being way too long, so if you stuck it out I’m really proud of you!

I get a note from Lindsay to call Living Proof ministries and the ladies name. So I call and it was about an order using my American credit card but my French shipping address. I love that they were checking for fraud. I had indeed ordered some Bible study stuff and had it sent here….. BUT…when I call she tells me she figured it all out already.  I ask how and she said from my blog…WHAT….anyway she had decided to do some research, googled me and found my blog and read it and understands now why I am billing in the US but shipping in France. We had a lovely twenty minute chat and it was like talking to a friend.  She had gone back to the start and read it all (brave woman)….so now she knows way lots about me!!!  She said she had shared the blog with a few friends at the office…does this make me Beth Moore’s best friend now?? Too funny….it’s just such a small world!

  So, I’m really off this time…so sorry for the delay, I’ll try to blog sooner so it’s much less to read J Happy Thanksgiving to all